3 December 2024
You should by now have your copy of the magazine. However, we are still also online so you can see the excellent photos in colour. To subscribe to the magazine and have it delivered contact magazine@mayfieldparishchurch.org, ring Stephen on 342188. It's a bargain at just £8 for a year's subscription.
When we couldn't print the magazine we published it digitally with colour photographs. We're going to keep publishing colour photos digitally, and article extracts, in our Colour Supplement. Don't forget also to view the Mayfield Twitter feed for updates there.
Download December's & January's Magazine
Download November's Magazine
Download October's Magazine
Download Aug/Sep Magazine
Download July's Magazine
Download June's Magazine
Download May's Magazine
Download April's Magazine
Download March's Magazine
Download February's Magazine
Called the Mayfield Church and Village News, the parish magazine is edited by Stephen Dunn. The quality of photographs is excellent and the content reflects village life with some pithy articles, but no authors taking themselves too seriously.
Do you want to comment on an article in the magazine? Send us some village news, an article or an idea for an item. We love to hear from you. E-mail magazine@mayfieldparishchurch.org, telephone Stephen Dunn on 01335 342188 or fill in the form below.
Great edition of the magazine and just want to comment on the broad band section and can confirm that the faster gigabites fttp 'fibre to the premises' is available in the Conygree Lane\Church Lane area. We have had it installed and were told the first to receive it in this area. We can recommend it and now have 150 mbps which is fabulous.
Allison Sturgess, 5 February 2021
Great that our magazine is now online. People have been posting the paper copy all round the world for years. It's packed with so many interesting articles & local adds. I love receiving my paper copy
Sharon Amy, 5 February 2021
Dear Stephen, Joyce, editorial staff and contributors,
I can safely say, not having written for this edition and thus not being accused of self congratulation, that it is truly brilliant. Every Church I visit, I 'borrow' their Church magazine, and compared to ours, they are mainly dross.
We have: information, wit, good cooking and gardening help (hardly surprising with Martin Soar, Arnie and Joyce), great poetry and prose, nice nature and animal stories and photos, non gratuitous advice on faith, unflinching commentary, what more can I say, I am run dry of superlatives!
We are lucky to have you all around.
Charles Wimbush, 4 November 2020
I absolutely agree. Our excellent Magazine could win prizes. Now there's an idea.
Karen Tallant, 4 November 2020
Just spotted, our Highland Cow in your photo on the website. Sadly Maggie had to be put down by the Vet a couple of weeks' ago because of some internal growth affecting her other organs. Our sadness was made even worse when the remaining 3 Highlands raced over to the place she had died and began mooing loudly. Like elephants, cows too seem to go through great sadness on bereavement.
Janet Watson, 30 June 2020
Again.... a great magazine!!! So many VERY interesting articles from very talented readers! Thank you .
Margaret Balderson, 2 June 2020
Thank you for such an informative magazine! Well done in getting it online!! Have caught up with Charles’s shopping and Joyce’s garden!!! Thanks
Margaret Balderson, 7 April 2020
Thank you so much for putting the magazine on line. I always enjoy reading it. Keep up the great work!
Carolyn Fryer, 27 March 2020
Thank you for putting the magazine on line
Jean Leeds, 27 March 2020