Mayfield Parish Church Contacts

Church Contacts

Mayfield Vicar
Rev. Chamil Fernando (Tel: 07511 117822)
Vicar of Weaver Benefice:
Rev. Brian Leathers (Tel: 01538 702469)
Church Wardens:
Mr Charles Wimbush (Tel: 01335 324083)
Mrs Maggie Cook (Tel: 01335 345691)
PCC Secretary:
PCC Treasurer & Electoral Roll Officer:
Mrs Catherine Mellor (Tel: 07752 772715)
Mrs Janet Knox (Tel: 01335 346487)
Mr Doug Greenway (Tel: 01335 344932)
Magazine Editor:
Mr Stephen Dunn (Tel: 01335 342188)
Church Room Bookings:
Mrs Charlotte Heathcote (Tel: 07772 360472)
Bell Captain:
Mrs Sandra Terry
Messy Church`:
Mrs Catherine Mellor (Tel: 07752 772715)
Baptisms and Marriages:
Rev. Chamil Fernando (Tel: 07511 117822)

Ecumenical Contacts

Ashbourne Methodist Minister:
Rev. Nicola Briggs
16, Booth Drive Ashbourne (Tel: 01335 702174)

Web Contact

Web Editor:

Local Businesses

See the Local Businesses page.